Q. Will I ever receive two bills?

A. No. With Citizens Choice Energy you will only receive one bill from your current utility provider. Citizens Choice Energy will be representing the Supply portion on your bill.

Q. I’m already with an energy service company. How is Citizens Choice Energy different from other companies?

A. With Citizens Choice Energy we are not only looking to give you a competitive rate for your supply of energy, but we are always looking for additional ways for our customers to save in their everyday life. We offer Free energy audits, promotions, incentives and additional ways for customers to save money like… medical discount cards , free month of gas, and more

Q. Do I have to sign a contract?

A. No. There is NO charge to enroll, NO hidden fees, NO long term contracts and NO cancellation fees, if you are not satisfied with the price (or service) from Citizens Choice Energy, you have the POWER to save, by changing to another supplier.

Q. Is the utility okay with me choosing another supplier?

A. Yes. We work with the State regulated Utility Company, but offer a choice in your supplier. Your utility company actually informs you every month directly on your bill about energy deregulation. We are a regulated business working in cooperation with the utility companies so they will never treat you different. In fact your current utility provider will still read your meter, maintain your lines, deliver gas and electric to you, send you one bill and respond to all emergencies.

Q. Why is a variable rate better then a fixed rate?

A. For some customers a variable rate will fit your needs as opposed to staying in a long term contract with a fixed rate with heavy cancellation fees. With a fixed rate you pay the same per therm rate every single month regardless if there is a drop in the market for energy. With a variable rate from Citizens Choice Energy you receive a per therm incentive rate based competitively on current market rates. You will be able to take advantage of the market rate when it drops.

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